Past Ages


     The voice of God, heard in past ages, is sounding down along the line from century to century, through generations that have come on the stage of action and passed away. . . . History and prophecy testify that the God of the whole earth revealeth secrets through His chosen light bearers to the world. . . . Nebuchadnezzar, through his terrible humiliation in the loss of his reason, was brought to see his own weakness, and to acknowledge the supremacy of the living God. . . .  

     To every person, God has assigned a place in His great plan. By truth or falsehood, by folly or wisdom, each is fulfilling a purpose, bringing about certain results. And each, according as he or she chooses obedience or disobedience, is deciding his or her own eternal destiny. To everyone is given freedom to act, and upon everyone rests the responsibility of their own actions. . . .  

     We are not to say God was, but God is. . . . Though kings shall be cast down, and nations removed, the souls that through faith link themselves with God’s purposes shall abide forever. 1896. 

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